Saturday, 9 April 2011

Today is the begining

I have always wondered how people blog and thought this is a tech savvy space. I still hope so, but nothing is difficult, all it needs is just a BEGINING......and I decided to begin it right now!!!

A small word of caution, I am a pseudo LEFTIST....visioning an egalitarian bear my idiosyncrasies....

Well I remember when I used to be a college student, I used to dream of owning my own car and luxuries of the small world....I thank god that he facilitated me with those small little wishes soon after my college days...had it not, I wouldnt have realised the true meaning of HAPPINESS....

No am not giving gyaan...I am not saying that "Happiness is within and not in the materials around oneself"....Infact I believe that if Materials and means can bring happiness, then why not make this commodity available to every single citizen on this earth....HOW DO WE DO THIS???....thats the question, and I have just begun my quest towards finding answers to this and more such questions....

I hope to meet and make some friends in this journey, who are also wandering like me, answering and following their Urim and Thummim.....

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